Anchovies Timbale with Trinidad Moruga Scorpion
We present a fairly complex recipe with a truly exceptional result, however, both visually and in terms of flavor. In this spicy recipe we used a decidedly hot chili pepper, the Trinidad Moruga Scorpion, which goes perfectly with eggplant velouté and if dosed well also in fish.
- 600 gr Anchovies
- 2 Salted sardines
- ½ Chopped white onion
- Raisins
- Pine nuts
- Parsley
- Breadcrumbs
- Halls
- Pepper
- Chili powder Trinidad Moruga Scorpion
- Poppy seeds
- Lemon
- Extra virgin olive oil
Vegetable broth: 1 carrot, ½ onion, 1 celery stalk, parsley stalks, salt, water.
Spicy eggplant velouté: 1 eggplant, vegetable broth, salt and oil.
Creamy lime: 200 grams peeled boiled potatoes, 150 grams milk, 50 grams butter, 1 lime, nutmeg, salt, pepper and oil.
Pears with rum pistachios: 2 pears, pistachios, rum, salt, pepper, 1 cucumber.
- We present a fairly complex recipe with a truly exceptional result, however, both visually and in terms of flavor. In this spicy recipe we used a decidedly hot chili pepper, the Trinidad Moruga Scorpion, which goes perfectly with eggplant velouté and if dosed well also in fish. Wash the anchovies, remove the heads and bones, and set them out to dry. Make vegetable broth by putting water, salt, 1 carrot, ½ onion, 1 stalk of celery and the parsley stalks in a pot. A tip in making vegetable broth, do not overdo the amount of water otherwise it will be too watered down and lacking in flavor. Dice the eggplant, discarding the seed-filled inner part, and place it in a colander with coarse salt.Boil the potatoes and then later mash them using a classic potato masher. In a small saucepan, melt the butter, add the potatoes, milk, a pinch of nutmeg, salt, pepper, and the juice and zest of the lime and mix, then strain through a fine-mesh strainer.In a small frying pan put oil, chili powder Trinidad Moruga Scorpion and eggplant washed from salt and drained. Add vegetable broth and finish cooking, then strain the eggplant velouté through a fine-mesh strainer.In a small pan put oil, desalted sardine fillet and let it melt. Add chopped onion and wilt it helping with a little' vegetable stock; adjust salt and pepper, then add raisins and chili powder Trinidad Moruga Scorpion. Given the'high spiciness of this chili we recommend using the scoop in our vials to be able to dose and not exceed the quantity. At this point we can add some'oil, breadcrumbs and once we have cooked it on both sides we can turn it off and let it cool. Place the filling in a bowl, add pine nuts, chopped parsley, grated lemon peel, and season with salt and pepper.Turn on the ventilated oven to 180°. Take the molds and grease them with a drop of oil on both the bottom and the edges.Arrange 2 anchovies on the bottom and about 8 anchovies on the sides making each anchoice protrude about a third from the edge; salt and put some filling inside, shred a couple of anchovies, add more filling and close the anchovies that protrude inward and put more filling in the center of the mold to close and connect the timbale.Inside a small bowl put oil, salt and lemon and beat with a fork until it thickens and pour it with a spoon over the timbale. When the oven has reached temperature put the timbales in the oven inside a baking dish for about 15-20 minutes.Once the timbale and velouté are complete, we go on to prepare the pears with rum pistachios that will serve as a garnish for the dish.Shell the pistachios and chop them, peel the 2 pears and slice them. Next put a small frying pan with butter on the stove, add the pears, pistachios and deglaze with rum, at the end adjust salt and pepper. Slice the cucumber, previously washed, into matchsticks, discarding the seed-filled inner part.Heat it all up, helping with vegetable broth and extra virgin olive oil to get the right density of the creams.How to plate. Arrange on the left side the lime cream sauce, on top of the anchovies timbale sprinkled with poppy seeds and lemon peel, on the right side put the eggplant velouté, in the top center place the pear slices with pistachios and on top the cucumber.An additional sprinkling of chili pepper for those who like it and enjoy.